Bayonet Wrist Lanyard


Code: TW-B

Leading Edge


Wrist Lanyards are a great option for repeat use of a single tool. Anchoring to your wrist means you can release your tool to free up your hand for other activities and pick it up again whenever you need. All our wrist lanyards have ergonomic velcro fittings that can be easily adjusted with one hand, but unlike other wrist lanyards they have three unique features: expansion joints, over-locks and retainer loops. Besides providing extra comfort, the expansion joint stretches to 9cm with extreme force. This allows emergency release of the hand should the wristband become caught in a hazard. The velcro over-lock and retainer loop add further protection by preventing accidental unfastening and securing strap overhang.

WLL 2.5kg

from £17.00
(ex VAT) Each
In Stock




